Fundamentally Content

Pakistan's Independence: The Vision, The Dream, The Reality

Celebrating Freedom

Celebrating Independence

Celebrating Pakistan’s Independence, celebrating freedom, celebrating a small nation, that punches well above its weight!

“You will have to make up for the smallness of your size by your courage and selfless devotion to duty, for it is not life that matters, but the courage, fortitude and determination you bring to it.”

Quaid e Azam’s address to the then-nascent Pakistan Navy holds as true today as it did in those far-off days.

“You will have to make up for the smallness of your size by your courage and selfless devotion to duty, for it is not life that matters, but the courage, fortitude and determination you bring to it.”
Celebrating Pakistan's Independence - A colorized picture of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Quaid e Azam

Quaid e Azam’s address to the then-nascent Pakistan Navy holds as true today as it did in those far-off days.

Embroiled in a conflict with a much more powerful opponent, the Pakistan Navy, and indeed all of Pakistan, quickly learned to punch well above their weight.

This is one of the main reasons we survived as a nation when our enemies thought otherwise. When they believed that the newly born country would collapse under the magnitude of the problems unleashed on her young shoulders. We like striving against adversity just to prove them wrong.

Celebrating Pakistan's Independence - The PNS Tippu Sultan, formerly HMS Onslow, an O-class destroyer of the Royal Navy, sold to the Pakistan Navy in 1948. Taken by the Royal Navy official photographer Taken from the collections of the Imperial War Museums (collection no. 8308-29), Public Domain.
The PNS Tippu Sultan, formerly HMS Onslow, an O-class destroyer of the Royal Navy, sold to the Pakistan Navy in 1948.
Captured by the Royal Navy official photographer, now part the collections of the Imperial War Museums (collection no. 8308-29), Public Domain.
Celebrating Pakistan's Independence - Founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah laughing with the Mountbattens
Muhammad Ali Jinnah with the Mountbattens.
Captured By No 9 Army Film & Photographic Unit, taken From collections of the Imperial War Museums.

75 Years and Pakistan Is Still Going Strong

Fast forwards 75 years, and we are still here. Still hanging on and growing stronger by the day. Many people might not accept it. They might think Pakistan is in its death throes, what with the myriad issues it has to contend with. However, they would be wrong – totally wrong.

Such naysayers have been making similar predictions for over seven decades, with similar results. Yes, we have more than our fair share of problems. These problems are every bit as severe as the ones faced by our forefathers, but we believe that we are up to the task. We are getting through them, one by one.

After all, taking on giants is part of our collective culture. Celebrating 75 years of Pakistan’s independence is ample proof of that.

And That Brings Us to the Fundamentally Content Connection

Much the same holds true for the marketing world as well. We, at Fundamentally Content, understand that small doesn’t necessarily mean weak or unimaginative. Au contraire, it just makes everyone underestimate us while we go ahead and prove ourselves. That makes for a great Kodak moment!

We positively thrive at challenges. Since we don’t carry the burden of large bureaucratic organizations, we aren’t bogged down by excessive red tape or traditional internal politics. We don’t just dream up ideas out of the proverbial box – we implement them too!

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We believe in upsetting the status quo and creating branding opportunities that others are too hidebound to see and utilize. After all, there is no better way to get the job done than by taking the table and flipping it over! That will definitely ensure you get noticed.

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In this fast-paced environment, getting ignored is akin to a death sentence.

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